Monday, May 19, 2008

And the WINNER is.....

Well it still looks like some people are still wondering if I am getting back on the trail or maybe they are the people who don't know that I had gotten off the trail yet. But anyway, there are still some people looking at this blog!

So in that case, I will post who won the "Biggest Loser" game that I set up before I left. It was a game to guess how much weight I would lose on the trail with a tie breaker question of how many poptarts I would eat!

Well I ended up loosing 17 lbs! I weighed in at 150 lbs...down from 167 at the beginning! I hope to keep it off as long as possible! So...the winner is!

With a guess of 152.5 lbs, which was the closest without going Liz Ayres!!! Yeah!

So her winning gift has to deal with FOOD, which is what I dreamed about all the time on the trail! She is getting a $30 gift card to my favorite pizza joint....PAPA JOHNS, and a $30 gift card to my favorite ice cream location....COLD STONE CREAMRY!!!! She has 4 kids, so both should come in handy!!


p.s. Stay tuned cause I am healing well, and getting the hiking bug again! Lord willing, I will be back on the trail at the end of July or beginning of August! I need to work a bit to save up some more money in the meantime!


Mac said...

Hey that is great news.
Take it easy and make sure you are well healed or heeled maybe.
God Bless