Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 Year in Review

Milestones of 2008
1. Hiked 1011.5 Miles of the Appalachian Trail from Springer Mnt in Georgia to Harper's Ferry, W. Virgina over 2 months! Met some great friends and saw some amazing views of God's country!

2. Went to Alaska to Denali NP and saw my first bear and moose. Went on our 2nd cruise as well.

3. Started a new job at Clarian Arnett Hospital.

4. Started using coupons and sale deals and saved $1,033.99 since mid-November on groceries and toiletries.

Goals for 2009
1. Read throught the Bible in one year.

2. Run the Kentucky Derby and Indy Mini Half Marathons

3. Research getting into long distance running

4. Continue to use coupons and store deals to save in grocery bill, and also help add to local food bank at FBC.

5. Hike more of the Appalachian Trial this year (probably 1-2 weeks worth)

6. Continue to grow in being a godly husband and leader for my wife!

Hope you enjoy 2009!


Unknown said...

Congrats on your milestones. What wonderful acomplishments. Good luck with your goals for 2009. May you have a wonderful and blessed New Year! I enjoy reading your blog.

betty said...

hi; just found your blog; so neat with all your savings!!! we just started to be more frugal in November so always looking for new tips/ideas

I like your goals for 2009; they all seem doable!!! I'm working my way the fourth time through reading the Bible from cover to cover; usually takes me about 13 months give or take a day

Happy New Year to you and your family!
