Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Happy Christmas Eve all,

Well since Amee and I are working on Christmas day at the hospital (we are open 24/7/365), we had our family Christmas' today and last Saturday! It was a great time of family, fun and food! I just wanted to blog a quick blurp about my favorite gift this year!

I had made it my goal this year and next to finally beat Public Chess Enemy #1 at chess, since he has wooped me good everytime I have played him.

Well, I asked for a new chess clock and chess board for Christmas (which my parents and in-laws got me!) to practice my time management skills in a live board game. I am anxious to try it out against P.C.E. #1 at the New Year's party at his house!

The last time I played him...I tied him, which was a major accomplishment!

Well, hope everyone enjoys their Christmas tomorrow, as we celebrate the birth of the GREATEST gift of all...Jesus Christ!

Merry Christmas,


Mac said...

Have a Joyous Christmas despite having to work.
God Bless