Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My Favorite Beatles' Song! "Hey Jude"

Well in response to Madmup blog's question...on what is your favorite Beatles' song and that it is official Beatles' week, I would have to say "Hey Jude"! It is an absolute classic! It was actually very weird when we were at Octoberfest in 2007 in Munich, Germany to hear about 1-2 thousand German people singing "Hey Jude" in perfect English! They went crazy to this song! It was so much fun! It reminded us of a clean version of the piano bar on steriods!

Also, it is the theme of the tribute that CJ, Dynamite, Hoedown, & Dorothy drew for me when I had to get off my AT hike in Front Royal, VA. Even Ironman made a guess appearance! I really miss those guys!
